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polyester filament yarn dope dyed

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Model NO hl30001 Keyword polyester filament yarn
Brand Huilong Origin China
Product Description
zhejiang huilong chememical fibre co ltd is the leader manufacturer of dope dyed polyester yarn . Specialized in FDY ,DTY TEXTURED YARN ,POY ,MONOFILAMENT YARN from 20d-600d ,over 500 colors in our color shade book for your selection . We have 50D/24F ,75D/36F or 48f ,100D/36F or 48f ,108D/36F or 48f ,120D/48F ,150D/48f or 96f or 144f ,200d/96f or 144f ,300d/96f or 144f or 288f ,450d/144f ,600d/192f & etc .


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