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dope dyed polyester yarn Fdy

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Model NO 30D-1000D/24F-576F Keyword dope dyed, polyester, yarn, Fdy, functional
Brand JINXIA Origin China
Product Description
Multifilament, You are able to choose the followings for your requirements: Raw white or unlimited color alternatives  Bright, semi-dull, or full dull Round or trilobal Non inter-mingled, slightly inter-mingled or heavily inter-mingled Non twisted or twisted with S or Z or S+Z Low shrinkage, medium shrinkage or high shrinkage Low tenacity, standard tenacity, medium tenacity or high tenacity 2. FDY COUNTS: 20D/12F 30D/18F       30D/24F 40D/18F       40D/24F 50D/24F       50D/36F 60D/24F       60D/36F 75D/24F       75D/36F            75D/72F 100D/36F      100D/48F           100D/72F       100D/96F 120D/36F      120D/48F           120D/72F       120D/96F 150D/36F      150D/48F           150D/72F       150D/96F       150D/144F 200D/72F      200D/96F            200D/144F       300D/96F      300D/144F           300D/192F      300D/288F 400D/96F      400D/144F           400D/192F      400D/288F 500D/96F      500D/144F           500D/192F      500D/288F 600D/144F     600D/192F           600D/288F 750D/144F     750D/192F           750D/288F 1000D/288F    1000D/384F          1000D/576F     Different Counts are welcome to be Requested! Such as 45D, 55D, 70D, 95D, 110D, 250D, 275D, 350D, 450D etc... 3. CHARACTERISTICS Eco-friendly, high color fastness, consistent color, comfortable luster, soft touch, etc. 4. APPLICATIONS Textile fabrics, embroidery, label, decoration, braid, jacquard, knitting, home textile, clothes, shoes, hat, carpet, curtain, scarf, bag, towel, gloves, socks, etc.


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