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PPGS For Slurry And Soles

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Model NO 123 Keyword 123
Origin China
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Mixed with high activity polyether together.Used in producing high resilience,cold cured foam for cushions of automobiles,motorcycles,bicycles and steeling wheels. With a functionality of 3 and monlecular weight of 5000,and low ordor,this kind of high-activity polyether polyol can be used to produce high resilience slabstock foam,effectively enhancing the resilience of foams.It can be also used to proudce molded foam,which has a higher activity,shorter stripping time.It is particularly suitable for the preparation of a variety of automobile interior materials. With a functionality of 3 and monlecular weight of 6000,this high-activity polyether polyol can be used to produce high resilience slabstock foam,effectively enhancing the resilience of foams.It can be also used to proudce molded foam,which has a higher activity,shorter stripping time.Comparing with EP-330NY,EP-3600 can be used to prepare more resilient foam with less hardness.This product can also be used for CASE series, which can effectively improve it's tensile strength and resilience. http://www.dongdapolyol.com


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