Home > All Categories > Yarn > Ne40/1, 100% Cotton, Carded Waxed Yarn for Weaving

Ne40/1, 100% Cotton, Carded Waxed Yarn for Weaving

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Model NO Ne40/1KW Keyword 100%cotton yarn,carded yarn,weaving,ne40/1yarn
Product group 19137 Origin India
Product Description
Product : Ne40/1, 100% Cotton, Carded Waxed Yarn . Application : Weaving Fibre :100% Cotton , Variety Shanker -6. Yarn Characteristic Value's Average Count 40 (40.2 to 40.6) Count CV% Less than 1.5 CSP 2650 CSP CV% Less than 4.0 Twist Multiplier 3.6 (+/-0.1) TPI C.V% Less than 2.5. U% 9.8 to 10.2 Total Imperfections Less than 1100 Objectional Clasimate Fault Nil/100km Total Classimate Faults 90 to 100 Shade Variation in UV Lamp Nil Packaging Details Cone Paper Cone Weight Net 1.89KG Carton Ocean Worthy 3/5 Ply Cones per Carton 24 Cones Carton Weight Net 45.36KG Pallet Packing On Request CARGO Stuffing 40' HFCL 450 Cartons 20' FCL 188 Cartons.


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