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Fiberglass Flagpole Mini Flag -1

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Model NO Fiberglass Flagpole Mini Flag Keyword Fiberglass Flagpole Mini Flag -1
Origin China
Product Description
With professional and productive mini flag -1 factory, Shanghai Pdyear is one of the leading China mini flag -1 suppliers and manufacturers, welcome to wholesale cheap products from us. Mini flag -1 A mini flag is the ideal solution for displaying your advertisements and attracting attention. This custom advertising flag comes with one digitally printed unit, created with your provided artwork. your message will definitely be visible to customers. This mini flag, feather banner is more effective than static advertisement displays. This custom outdoor stand features a fiberglass pole that is flexible and durable for use outdoors. Customers can place this feather banner in any busy area and let the flags move with the breeze to draw the attention of passersby. Customers can use multiple advertising units to create an even larger display. http://www.pdyear-display.com


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