Xiamen Xiangyu Xinghong Specialised Materials Co.ltd.
Company Profile
Xiamen Xiangyu Xinghong Technology Development Co., Ltd.was registered and established on September 28, 2015, with the capital of 320 million yuan. It is a holding company of Xiamen Xiangyu Group Co., LTD., which is on the list of Fortune Global 500 enterprises. The company set up three wholly-owned subsidiary corporations including Xiamen Xiangyu Xinghong Specialised Materials Co., Ltd., Xiamen Xiangyu Xinghong Superfine Materials Co., Ltd., and Quanzhou Xiangyu Xinghong New Materials co., ltd. The company has two sets of polymerization equipment, which can produce polyester semi-dull chips, polyester TR bright chips, polyester low melting point chips, and various functional chips. Our company has two ES production lines, which can produce ES fiber including ET staple fiber, EP staple fiber, and antibacterial ES staple fiber, and so on. We also have three staple fiber production lines producing figured sea-island staple fiber, low melting point staple fiber, and various functional staple fiber, etc. And we also have more than 35,000 tons annually of N/P filament production lines that can produce split/core-sheath N/P composite filament yarns and various functional filament yarns, and so on. The company focuses on the development of differentiated functional fiber, such as PCM air-conditioning, aerogel, recycle fiber, and yarns (GRS certification), etc. Moreover, as a differentiated composite fiber and material development supplier, the company has possessed a relatively complete differentiated chemical fiber industry chain through r&d and innovation. Our products cover from upstream polyester chip to downstream composite fiber and yarns, etc., and we are one of the main makers of industry standards in the field of N/P microfiber filament yarns. The company has passed ISO9001/ISO14000 management system certification, global Recycling standard system (GRS) certification, as the 2017 National chemical fiber industry brand quality priority enterprises, Xiamen New Materials enterprises, Xiamen key industrial enterprises. The company relies on Xiangyu Group's capital and procurement advantages and relies on partners to layout the textile raw material industry chain, to create a leading modern differentiated, functional textile materials research, and development base.
Company Information
Functional Yarn,Chip,Chip,Staple,Filament
101 - 500
US$2.5 Million-US$5 Million
US$1 Million-US$2.5 Million
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huang(Xiamen Xiangyu Xinghong Specialised Materials Co.ltd.)

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